Thanks for the meme(ories), UCF

Courtney Peter
5 min readMay 3, 2021


In one way or another, sports have ALWAYS been part of my identity. When I was a little girl, I BEGGED my parents to “let me be a sport.” Being the youngest of four children, I spent a lot of time in the gym watching them play basketball and volleyball. As I got a little bit older and as they excelled, it turned into “Oh you’re Nicole/Lindsay/Troy’s little sister.” Then, I started to grow my own love for basketball. Basketball was my escape on a school night. It was my social time. It was where I learned confidence. It was where I learned that basketball is all about repetition and if you practice, you will see results. After two ACL tears, the physical pain became too great and I decided to walk away from the game that I loved so much. It was my hope, however, that someday/somehow I’d find a way to work in sports. I just didn’t know how.

In 2015 when I graduated from Grand Valley State University, I pursued a Masters degree and I worked as a graduate assistant in our athletic department. To many of GVSU’s student-athletes, I became known as “SnapChat girl.” I managed social media accounts for our 20 varsity sports in one way or another, and I was going to school full-time. I had social media for myself and I LOVED it, but there was something about combining social media and college sports that I found so intriguing and rewarding but I was so unsure how I would ever make a career out of it. I didn’t know if it was possible. But, as they say, things have a way of working out.

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In 2017 when I was a Digital Media/Communications intern at the Chick-fil-A Peach Bowl, I remember watching the episode of KnightFlicks when Scott Frost told the team he was leaving for Nebraska. I wasn’t invested in UCF or UCF Football in any way other than wildly speculating that they were a potential team to play in our Bowl game — in fact, I’d never really heard of UCF before. I remember hoping they’d win because of how that video made me feel and I also really liked the pretty gold texture they used on their font. The more I scrolled UCF’s social feeds, the more…excited…I felt. The tone they used, their voice.. it was the first time I didn’t feel like I was reading a one-sided brand football account. It made me look at social media differently. Yeah, I definitely wanted them to win.

cut to…

IT HAPPENED. A perfect season that I got to be on the sidelines for and capture celebratory moments of sheer joy. Everyone who is a fan of UCF or who was in attendance that day will never forget it. It was the moment UCF became the only undefeated 2017 National Champion, and it was the moment I realized that I wanted to pursue a career in college athletics. I had no idea how it was going to happen, or even if it was going to happen and I admittedly was feeling a bit hopeless. However, sometimes internships work out the way they’re supposed to: you get real-world work experience and then you meet your future boss.

Then, in July of 2018, I was officially hired as Assistant Director, #Content. My first real job.

As I prepare to log off of @UCFKnights for the last time, I’m not sure how to properly summarize my 2.5+ year journey in Orlando other than to reflect. These past few years have been filled with memories and experiences and unexpected cross-country trips (IYKYK) and mini horses and some incredible wins and gut-wrenching losses and memes and UCFit walking challenges that drove me MAD (again, IYKYK) and PIZZA LUNCH and friendships and so many incredible opportunities I’ll never forget.

The passion and brand-advancing creativity that I’ve been honored to be a part of and learn from these past few years has been incredible and honestly, pretty eye-opening. To name a few of the departments I worked with on a daily basis, the SIDs, graphic designers, marketers, creative video producers, live television producers, photographers and content strategists who worked so hard every single day to ensure that our student-athletes got the recognition they deserved is so admirable. Working in college sports, or any event-based industry, is a grind that requires a lot of personal sacrifice and commitment. I really got a front row seat to the institution creating the future of college sports and I didn’t take it for granted.

I leave UCF with a cell phone photo album filled with SO MANY MEMES, celebration videos, trophy hoists, Knugget videos, selfies with Knightro, Knight Nation/Zombie Nation cheers, Stare Kid videos, rocket launch views from Mission Control, a lot of Memory Mall dog boops, on field/playing surface victories, Grinch faces, behind-the-scenes photo shoot content, Charge On Tour memories from NYC and all over Florida, and even some Spanish scenery from when I accompanied our men’s basketball team to Barcelona/Valencia/Madrid. When I scroll through these images and videos, I’ll be reminded that I got to work a dream job with some crazy talented people.

Although I’m walking away from sports, for now, it will always be part of who I am.

Thank you, UCF. It’s been quite a trip. 💛



Courtney Peter
Courtney Peter

Written by Courtney Peter

And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make

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